Demand Change - Photo Book

Demand Change:  Where Pink P#### hats meet Suffragettes

This started as a photo book about protest with one quote from a suffragette and ended as a tribute to the struggle of women over the past 100 years. I stumbled upon the writing of Alice Duer Miller while researching poetry of the suffragette movement. I was immediately struck by her wit.  I started finding multiple passages from “Are Women People” that I thought my images complemented so I re-formatted the whole book so that I could include a passage from Ms. Miller’s book that paired with an image.  The new format lent itself to a magazine that I self-published.  I hope you enjoy it.  

 I dedicate the magazine to all the strong women in my life.

Todd A. Stuart

May, 2020

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The Protected Sex

There, little girl, don't read,

You're fond of your books, I know,

But Brother might mope

If he had no hope

Of getting ahead of you.

It's dull for a boy who cannot lead.

There, little girl, don't read.

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Hippolta, Penthesilea,

Maria Teresa and Joan,

Agustina and Boadicea

And some militant girls of our own -

It would take a brave man and a dull one

To say to these ladies: "Of course

We adore you while meek,

Timid, clinging and weak,

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The Universal Answer

Oh, there you go again,

Invading man's domain!

It's Nature's laws, you know, you are defying.

Don't fancy that you can

Be really like a man,

So what's the use of all this fuss and trying?

It seems to me so clear,

That women's highest sphere

Is being loving wives and patient mothers.

Oh, can't you be content

To be as you were meant?


For {books belong to husbands and to brothers.



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